Annual meetings resources

- Jal Mehta, Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
False Prophets and Wise Choices: A Humane Approach to School Reform
- Meredith Rowe
The Role of Family in Early Literacy Development
- Talk: Deep Learning: What It Looks Like and How to Build It, Professor Jal Mehta, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Talk: The Role of Family in Early Literacy Development, Professor Meredith Rowe, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- STEAM+A: innovative ways of learning through language
- Argentinos por la Educación
- Paola A. Guerrero-Rosada, Ph.D. Essential Literacy Practices for Puerto Rico: Goals, Design and Implementation
- Soledad Concha, Investigadora asociada, Universidad de O’higgins. The turn of writing in literacy education policy
- Samy Duarte y Armida Lizárraga, Luminario. Co-creation of a formative assessment instrument for preschool teachers.
- Nadya Dutra, Deputy Secretary of Education State of Maranhão & Nicole Paulet Piedra, Content Director Laboratório de Educação. Aprender, Dentro e fora da escola.
- Susana Mendive, Pamela Urra, Katherine Strasser & Roberto Ferreira, Facultad de Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Design of a digital home intervention for children´s oral narrative development based on a personalized book.
- Ementas Núcleo.
- Catherine Snow. The role of discussion in supporting Academically Productive Talk (APT).
- Silvia Romero Contreras, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Word Generation Mexico.
- SERP WordGen Weekly Brasil.
- Dina C. Castro, Ph.D., Bahamdan Endowed Professor in Early Childhood Well-Being, Director, Institute for Early Childhood Well-Being. Promoting Language and Literacy Development of Bilingual Children: The Nuestros Niños Professional Development Program (USA). Intercultural Bilingual Education in the Shipibo-Conibo Community (Peru).
- Jocelyn Bowne. Integrating Supports for Multilingual Learners into a State Regulatory System.
- Patrick Proctor. Bilingual Teacher Education. The Massachusetts Context.
- Catherine Snow.
The Long Road to High-Quality Universal PreK in Boston.
- Stephanie M. Jones, Harvard Graduate School of Education
The Science and Practice of Social and Emotional Learning in Childhood.

- Nell K. Duke, University of Michigan.