Below we share some examples of a collaborations fostered by the ProLEER Network.

Regional collaboration to produce a book on teacher preparation in language and literacy instruction in Chile
The Chilean country delegation edited a book on non-negotiables in language and instruction in early childhood teacher preparation in Chile. Sixteen authors from 3 countries and 11 different institutions participated. The initiative was made possible with the support of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad [Educational Opportunity Foundation], Universidad Diego Portales, and Ediciones UC. The book launch had 29,000 views on YouTube from educators across Latin America and the Caribbean. The editors also prepared an accompanying educator’s guide with ten non-negotiable instructional practices in language and literacy development.
- Link to book on Amazon:
- Link to educators’ guide:
- Link to book launch:
A collaboration between Costa Rica and Chile to promote writing and critical thinking in the classroom
ProLEER colleagues from Costa Rica, Chile and the U.S. are partnering to develop a Costa Rican classroom intervention to motivate children’s authentic writing and critical thinking, based on the experience of the Chilean National Writing Plan. From 2023-2025, the intervention will be piloted and assessed with the participation of 4,000 children from 12 schools in economically vulnerable communities across three educational regions of the country. Partner organizations include the Universidad O’Higgins in Chile, faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in the US and in Costa Rica, the NGO Amigos del Aprendizaje, the Ministry of Education and the Yamuni Foundation.

Regional collaboration to publish a book on teacher education experiences in Latin America
Formación Docente en el Área de Lenguaje: Experiencias en América Latina [Teacher Professional Development in the Area of Language: Experiences in Latin America], edited and authored by ProLEER colleagues, presents a collection of 19 research-based initiatives in teacher education from across Latin America. This book highlights common challenges and advances in teacher education across the region. Institutional support for this project was provided by the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, in Mexico and the Universidad Diego Portales, in Chile.
Link to book on Amazon:
Translation and dissemination of a Dutch evidence-based teacher’s guide on early childhood developmental theory and practice in Costa Rica
ProLEER colleagues from the Netherlands and Costa Rica translated and released a Spanish version of the original Dutch, evidence-based, teacher’s guide – The Basis: The Theory and Practice of Early Childhood Development. In 2015, the Costa Rican Ministry of Education provided a digital copy of the book to all public sector preschool teachers in the country. The project was made possible by support from The Central American Educational and Cultural Coordination authority of the Central American Integration System (CECC-SICA, in Spanish), the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and the NGO, Amigos del Aprendizaje.
Link to the book:

Development of online teacher professional development courses in Costa Rica
ProLEER colleagues from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and in Costa Rica, the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (National Distance University), together with the NGO, Amigos del Aprendizaje, collaborated on the design and implementation of an online teacher professional development program in language and literacy instruction. From 2012-2020, the Program graduated over 5,000 preschool and elementary teachers in Costa Rica, in the use of evidence-based practices.
Regional collaboration to publish text books to support teacher education in language and literacy instruction in Costa Rica
ProLEER colleagues from Costa Rica, Chile, and Mexico authored a two-volume text book to support teacher education in language and literacy instruction. These books cover the core competencies that young learners need to become proficient readers and writers, from preschool through elementary school. Published by Costa Rica’s Universidad Estatal a Distancia (National Distance University), with support from the NGO Amigos del Aprendizaje, the books continue to serve as the foundation for two required teacher education courses at the University.
Link to volume 1:
Link to volume 2: