Annual Meeting Presentations
Annual meeting presentations 2017 PLENARIES OWL (2005) Curriculum Development: Research Meets Reason and Reality. Judith A. Schickedanz, Professor Emerita, Boston University. Academic language: From adolescence back to the pre-K years. Jason Sachs, Executive Director, Early Childhood, Boston Public Schools. Academic language: From adolescence back to the pre-K years. Paola Uccelli. Associate Professor, Harvard Graduate School […]
public resources español
Recursos en español – Video institucional ProLEER Costa Rica – Comprensión de lectura: Lectura para el aprendizaje. Snow, CE (2010). En: Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker, Barry McGaw, (editores), Enciclopedia Internacional de Educación. Volumen 5, pp. 413-418. Oxford: Elsevier. – ¿Qué significa aprender a leer? Niños capaces de entender su mundo. Snow, C., Ucelli, […]
public resources english
English resources – Investing in Our Future: The Evidence Base on Preschool Education. Yashikawa, H., et al. Foundation for Child Development (2013). – Evidence for General and Domain-Specific Elements of Teacher–Child Interactions: Associations With Preschool Children’s Development. Hamre, B., Pianta, R., Hatfield, B. Jamil, F. Child Development (2013). – Evaluating the impact of different […]
Annual meeting information
2017 ProLEER Annual Meeting information: The 2017 ProLEER Annual Meeting will be held from March 27-29, at the Harvard College Student Organization Center at Hille, 59 Shephard, Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Invited guests come from three key sectors – government, academia, and civil society. All have demonstrated leadership in their country and are […]
Founding Institutions

Founding Institutions ProLEER was founded in 2009 as a joint initiative by Harvard alumni in collaboration with Professor Catherine Snow of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The group is co-hosted by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Center for the Developing Child, and the David Rockefeller Center on Latin American Studies at […]
Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting Once a year, the group comes together for an annual meeting at the Harvard School of Education in Cambridge, MA to examine its focus areas through a variety of shared learning experiences: plenary sessions, panel discussions, and case presentations that emphasize group dialogue of common issues and challenges both locally and internationally. Between […]
Our goals

Our goals The ProLEER network strives to advance policy and practice in early childhood education in the countries where they work. It does this through: Sharing cutting-edge knowledge and experience in high-quality early childhood education, teacher professional development, and language and literacy instruction; Fostering dialogue among stakeholders within the education sector, from researchers, […]
What is ProLEER?

What is ProLEER? The Professional Learning network to advance Early Education Reform (ProLEER) seeks to strengthen and sustain an international network of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who are committed to improving the learning experiences of young children attending public schools in the preschool through primary years. Through the ongoing knowledge exchange, ProLEER members seek […]
ProLEER ProLEER is an international network of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, committed to improving educational practice and policy, to enhance children’s learning in the preschool through primary years. Initiated in 2009 by Harvard alumni, in collaboration with Professor Catherine Snow of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The ProLEER network, convenes an annual meeting at […]